Posted by : Unknown December 30, 2014

Suggest means to present a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for consideration.

Suggestions are abstract and can be in form of solutions, advice, plan, and idea.
Suggest means to propose a plan. It can be accepted or refused.
For example:
-Let's finish our homework first.
-Let's go home.

When making suggestions we often use the following expressions:
Let's ………
Why don't we ………
We could ………
What about ………
How about ………
I suggest that ………
You might want to change ………
I think ………
I don't think ………

- Let's go to the library.
- Let's go to movies.
- Why don't you do your homework before going out?
- We could eat at home today.
- What about eating at the new place?
- How about going to Sam's place first?
- I suggest that we call it a day.
- You need to change your sleeping habits.
- I think you should go and meet her.
- I think we should do it this way.

Responding to Suggestions
Making Suggestions
Accepting Suggestions
Declining Suggestions
Let's go to movies.
Yes, let's go.
No, thank you. I do not feel like going.
Why don't you do your homework before going out?
Ok, I will.
Sorry, I think I will go out first and then do my homework.
How about going to Sam's place first and then to the supermarket?
Yes, let's go. It is a good idea.
No, Let's just go to the supermarket.
I think you should go and meet her.
Ok, if you say so.
Sorry, I can't. I have previous engagement.

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